Monday 21 October 2013


The rarely sort after Sekhemka Mackimus is shortly to be made available for sale in an attempt to remove misguided and total one vision management from the organisation known as Northampton Borough Council.

It has become clear to those under the influence of the aforementioned item that whenever it comes up with an idea or plan for its dominions, this must be passed at all costs. No idea is too outlandish and neither must any plan not be fulfilled despite any possible disinterest or concern of the peasants under his order.

Sometimes regarded as a god by those that kneel at his feet, the Sekhemka Mackimus is an uncontrollable force that hopes at all times to do good for all those beneath him. However like many that assume power, he now knows no wrong and has at his control the baying hoards in the chambers known as the Guildhallus.

There are many however that are concerned at the power and control that this forceful grinning person has become and the dominions have revolted and having passed a charter for its removal, the item known as Sekhemka Mackimus is shortly to go up for sale on Internet auction site eBay.

A reserve of 99p will be set with the hope of achieving at least £10 to cover postage and packing costs. There is the hope that a buyer can be found overseas, but all are realistic that this may not be achievable at this current time.

Once the sale is completed for Sekhemka Mackimus there will then also be a fire sale of another troublesome object elsewhere in the town, the Satyr Harkerus.

Saturday 5 October 2013

Blocked By The Leader Of The Gang, I Am! - David Mackintosh And His Northampton Borough Council

For those that follow me on Twitter (countable on one deformed hand), I am sure it could be agreed that I am not the most evil of evilness on what can be a place of terrible material. However it turns out that by way of humorous, political and apparently cutting comment, I have found myself blocked by the most worthy of worthy people, the leader of Northampton Borough Council.

Oh! I thought. What foul thing did I send him to cause such a thing to happen? I could not recall sending him a death threat, a bomb threat, or a threat to shave his pussy cat (if indeed he has one). Perhaps in a drunken stupor I sent some foul slur upon thigh and tipped forth him over the edge. However to be fair, I am as likely to ever get in a drunken stupor as have a sordid night of passionate sex with Kylie Minogue, Emma Watson, Victoria Pendleton, Maria Sharapova and Anne Widdecombe (all at the same time).

So not really knowing what had tipped him over the edge, I investigated and it turned out it was one of these tweets:

@NorthamptonBC I know the market sq "fountain" is caput, but would is be difficult to keep the clock working? @WillyGilder @davidmackintosh

@NorthamptonBC @davidmackintosh Enterprise to take just two green bags of waste a week. Oh how we laughed! @WillyGilder @ChronandEcho

@ChronandEcho We were all spared the sight of @davidmackintosh hanging naked off the wrecking ball then. #phew

@NorthamptonBC @davidmackintosh As Enterprise take all bags second week, whose time & money did they waste? @WillyGilder @ChronandEcho

Notes From A Small Mind: Grand Theft Auto: Northampton - @callum_jones22 @ChronEditor @davidmackintosh

@davidmackintosh "Young man, there's no need to feel down. I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground."
in reply to
Construction work has started today at Railway Station in Northampton. Great news for town #northamptonalive
So pretty random but conclusively one of these had caused the public employed leader of the council to take a turn for the worse and block me from following him.

Well, I thought, I am sure worst thing have been sent to him, so I reckoned for someone so high up in the echelons of politics he really must have thin skin, or maybe like many politicians in power he just knows best and the people who pay his wages are just wrong and stupid.

So leader of the council, an important job, but my thin skinned friend has he eyes set much higher in the future with his plans to hopefully stand as Conservative MP in my area. So this got me thinking even more, if he is unable to take the above for the leader of the council position, is he truly cut out for the benches of Westminster? Surely the above is going to be small beef for what is to come if he is lucky enough to take up this position.

So as not to make this a total attack on Mr Macintosh though, I have to say I admire his position of always believing he knows the best thing for Northampton. I disagree over many of his ideas that is true, but as a leader, he sure seems to know how to get what he wants, no matter how disastrous maybe some of it is to become in the future. We all need strong leaders, I suppose, but my fear with some people, they just always seem to think they know the right thing to do and just can't see that just once in a while, they might, just might be wrong on something...