People have told me I talk too much, so I thought that the time had come to write too much instead. Writing feels different to talking, the sounds are quieter for a start. All I can hear at the moment are a tap, tap, tap, tap. The words sound good though, even if I can’t hear them.
However, if you are still reading this, well you surprise me. In the forthcoming little pieces I shall share with you my thoughts on things, my life experiences and probably more likely, unlikely things.
I tend to exaggerate, and that is not an exaggeration. I wouldn't believe half of the things I shall write, and to be brutally honest, I would be wary of the other half too.
Now until I started this piece, I didn't really know what a Blog was, and really I still don't. However it is computer related and I have had a computer since before I had friends, and furthermore I still have one now after I didn't have friends. Computers are wonderful things to behold it's true, their beautiful. They can be blue now and again, but that is usually to do with a Windows error. They never answer back, unless Mr Lappy's battery needs recharging, and then they beep furiously. Also a little dong might occur if Bill Gates doesn't like something you are doing. However on the whole they are a silent beast and never answer back, never send demands, never bang on the door at seven in the morning and never see you in court. So they make me happy.
However I have deviated from whatever I was writing, and I do that a lot if I am honest with you, and I shall try to be honest with you. Honest.
I have always thought of myself as a bit of a writer, I would like to see myself go down in history over the years like the greatest. I see myself as being like William Snakespeare, Robert Dickens, Janet Austen (without the breasts) and of course the greatest of them all, Jeffrey Archer (without the prison term).
So what shall you gain from coming back to my blog then? Well, I can't answer that, because I haven't written any more yet. However I shall look to entertain you, let me entertain you. I hope you return for more, otherwise I shall write and no one will read, which generally happens when I talk, only they don't listen, rather than don't read. However, I hope you come back, or I might cry.
"little dong might occur"
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