So another year of GCSE results arrive and once again an increase in passes occurs. The twenty-third year in a row in fact. So we live in an age of super intelligence with the world at the young peoples feet.
Or maybe not. Lack of jobs with an increase in qualification now means these results are not worth the paper they are printed on. It matters not if you have 47 A* GCSE passes or are now the holder of a first in Tentradoodlydadumolgy the chances of getting a job are severely reduced. Therefore with tuition fees rising to the stratosphere it is likely the future shall see less of the education and more of attempting to move straight into work as a career.
This has already hit home with those finishing their A levels mostly heading straight to university and missing (THE HORROR!) their gap year, when supposedly they do worthy or life affirming things, rather than having a good old jolly wandering around the world. Is that the sound of baying, pitchfork wielding students at the door?
However, passes are way up, and the youth of today are infinitely more intelligent than poor old Small Mind, who failed miserably at GSCE and managed a high of just a C so is therefore less intelligent than all people younger than him.
Therefore as an official (but not currently abroad) idiot I perhaps shall no longer preach about anything and shall slope off and go rioting like the rest of us neanderthals...
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