Thursday, 25 August 2011

Another Brick In The Wall.

So another year of GCSE results arrive and once again an increase in passes occurs. The twenty-third year in a row in fact. So we live in an age of super intelligence with the world at the young peoples feet.

Or maybe not. Lack of jobs with an increase in qualification now means these results are not worth the paper they are printed on. It matters not if you have 47 A* GCSE passes or are now the holder of a first in Tentradoodlydadumolgy the chances of getting a job are severely reduced. Therefore with tuition fees rising to the stratosphere it is likely the future shall see less of the education and more of attempting to move straight into work as a career.

This has already hit home with those finishing their A levels mostly heading straight to university and missing (THE HORROR!) their gap year, when supposedly they do worthy or life affirming things, rather than having a good old jolly wandering around the world. Is that the sound of baying, pitchfork wielding students at the door?

However, passes are way up, and the youth of today are infinitely more intelligent than poor old Small Mind, who failed miserably at GSCE and managed a high of just a C so is therefore less intelligent than all people younger than him.

Therefore as an official (but not currently abroad) idiot I perhaps shall no longer preach about anything and shall slope off and go rioting like the rest of us neanderthals...

Friday, 19 August 2011

Oh Brother, Who Art Thou?

What do these people have in common?
Tara Reid, Sally Bercow, Jedward, Kerry Katona, Lucien Laviscount, Bobby Sabel, Darryn Lyons, Amy Childs, Paddy Doherty and Pamela from Baywatch.
The answer: they are all celebrities. Yeah, right...

So here we are again just ten seconds after the Big Brother house was axed forever, it is back, on Channel 5. No screaming Davina though, just Brian "not famous at all, just happened to win this programme and may as well do as hosting this god forsaken programme" Dowling.

So in no particular order let't look at the freaks, I mean "celebrities".

Tabloid explosion Kerry Katona was always going to be in their from the start seemingly, a cheap version of the out of control and never ever ever ever going to be in their Charlie Sheen. Dropped into the house purely to cause controversy as is the want of this hideous show.

Now Darryn Lyons, obviously no one has heard of simply because even in the outer extremities of celebrity he doesn't exist. Reason being because he takes god damn pictures of them celebrities. I mean what the hell?

Lucien Laviscount, nope no idea *wanders off to Google (other search engines are available, but don't bother using them)* Now, I think Google is not sure who he is either, such is the horror of these celebs. However he is a superstar of Waterloo Road and Coronation Street (who isn't?) apparently, so all is good.

Now Paddy Doherty and Amy Childs I shall deal with together simply because it will get them over with quicker. Much is the increasing horror of television is that you now become a celebrity because you have been on another reality show and here we have two more entities from such shows. Nobodies who should never have been anybody and now like Amy, they are even coming from reality shows which are not even reality shows. Where will it end? I have no idea, but I hope I ain't there when it does.

Bobby Sabel, nope no idea and this time can't be bothered to Google.

Jedward! Please god NO! However sadly yes. Famous for less than nothing and that is overstating the case.

Tara Reid. There to no doubt reveal the surgically enhanced chest area.

Now while talking about chests, we have Pamela from Baywatch!. But no, not the Pamela from Baywatch. This Pamela from Baywatch was in fourteen episodes and is the former wife of the Hoff. I mean fourteen episodes, if I had fell asleep on the beach among the bouncing breasts I would have been in more episodes.

Finally, thank god, we have Sally Bercow, the publicity seeking wife of the speaker of the house. All we can hope for is that she gets all dirty on the infra-red cameras and the old man stands up in the house and shouts "ORGY! ORGY!"

However, there we have it a collection of celebs who are no doubt less famous that those incoming ones to the "normal" Big Brother will become.

As a side note to Channel 5, no live feed I see. Not really Big Brother is it when all you have is carefully edited highlights that the producer wants you to see.

Time to bulldoze the place with the creatures still in their...

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Some Sentences On Sentences.

So as it all appears quiet on the riot front, the fallout begins on the sentences for the perpetrators of the chaos. What is too long a sentence for these, and what perhaps more importantly is too short?

Yesterday the passing of four years for inciting disorder on Facebook that did not even happen seems to have been a  huge catalyst for major discussion of the length of sentencing. Perhaps this is indeed too long, but only in relation to others that are being passed.

Last week on a radio discussion show, a serving officer expressed his huge disappointment over a sentence given and very rightly so. Having travelled to assist in policing the riots, he had been involved in the capture of a youth making off with items from a shop and having arrested him, they rightly believed that in the thick of the action and perpetrating a crime he would have a correct sentence passed upon him. In the event, the courts were doing extra hours and his case was heard very quickly. Next day in fact, and his sentence? One day, and as he had served it, he was released back into the community.

Then we hear of the case of Nicolas Robinson, charged with stealing water worth £3.50 from a Lidl. His sentence? Six months, with a minimum of three months in custody.

Total confusion is reigning across the sentencing of these offenders, simply because the judges pretty much don't know how to handle them. With nothing in the history books for such things, each individual judge is seemingly just making his opinion.

No one is thinking they should be let off lightly, in fact most want the book thrown at these worthless criminals. However that book needs to be reliable across the board and must not be altered to the whim of each judge.

It is true that the 1843 sentencing guidelines are not totally reliable with regard inciting disorder on Facebook, but a level playing field needs to be made so that those guilty get the correct sentence and not some knee jerk reaction sentence.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

The Little Old Lady: Tears.

The little old lady sits in her armchair with tears in her eyes.
The sun has set and the television crackles bright lights across her room.
The lights that crackle from the screen come from flames as another building burns.
An explosion comes from the speaker as a car blows up and makes the little old lady tremble with shock.
The little old lady is glad that she left the big city over fifty years ago.
She watches as the area she grew up in goes up in flames and more tears well in her eyes.
The little old lady remembers her husband for a moment.
Always remembering him at emotional times.
Lost just three years ago and it still hurts so.
But she wonders whether it was best he is not around to hear of this horror.
He was a brave and honourable man.
He gave his sight to the fight for freedom.
The freedom of these people that she sees on the screen now.
Another tear runs down her face and she quietly sobs.
The little old lady wonders what is wrong with these people.
They have so much now, so much more than she ever had when she was their age.
She has always hated preaching to young people, but time was so hard when she was young.
The terror on the streets came from the skies in those days.
Not from your neighbours, the living blood of the country.
Why, just why are they doing it?
She shakes again with quiet rage and tears begin to stream once more.
A man is talking on the television about someone being pulled from their car.
A woman, alone in her car.
Torn from it and watching in horror as they set it alight and laugh.
A lone women unable to protect herself and these evil people care nothing for her.
Another building flashes up on screen and another business burns.
More jobs gone.
More livelihoods destroyed.
Smoke rises across London and the little lady cries her heart out.