Thursday, 7 July 2011

It's A Kind Of Magic.

So A Small Mind has got his wand out again and is waving it all about. Hopefully also this will be the first time of doing without Police intervention.

The reason for this wand waving is all about Harry Potter And The Adventures Of His Last Film. Now A Small Mind has a confession to make at this point, he is not really that excited about this final film launch. Even more of a confession, he has not even seen any of the Harry Potter films, despite ITV seeming to show them with such frequency that they have got old James Bond worried about his domination.

However I am fully admiring of the fact that the Harry Potter franchise has managed to achieve world domination despite not having any endorsements from me. Also it is nice that so much money has fell so gracefully into J. K. "Potters of money" Rowling's purse.

The global phenomenon has been observed from a discreet distance therefore by A Small Mind and he has observed over the years the press reporting of the films. Everything from Daniel Radcliffe literally waving his wand about on stage in Equus, to the delectable Emma Watson's short cut hair debacle.

Everything has been revealed for the continued money making machine. However what now? When you have finished an epic adventure and found that damn ring or whatever is the relevant issue in Potters films, what is there left to do.

Does old Radcliffe get forever typecast as a boy wizard, only to return to fame in ten years time as an out of work wizard in the latest Ricky Gervais vehicle. Does Emma have to get her kit off just to shed her young stardom, just like Anne Hathaway. Well the latter A Small Mind is happy to confirm he is more than willing to see.

A Small Mind however is more suspicious that despite hundreds of pages of text and hundreds of minutes of film, we are unlikely to have really seen the end of Harry Potter from the world. No doubt we shall one day see Harry Potter And The Middle-Aged Spread at our local cinemas.

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