Monday, 19 September 2011

Trouble At Farm.

So the battle for Dale Farm begins. Like some apocalyptic battle from the movies and on a film budget the bailiffs move in to rid the evil from the green belt.

Pretty much everyone has a side on this, there is no one sitting on the fence on this. Especially as they don't have planning permission to sit there.

And planning permission is the main point with all this, the travellers on the illegal site reckon that they are being persecuted, akin to Jews during the war. Failing to see the point that if they are decent law abiding citizens like they keep telling us they are they would not have built illegally in the first place. It also seems to be the case that these travellers are now like W.H. Smith's and have become stationers.

So for all their kind heartedness that the travellers proclaim, they are more than happy to live in a illegal building, and watch as eighteen million pound is spent at council tax payers expense. That is the way to get onside with the public ain't it. They are at this time their own worst enemies.

Then you have rent a mob who now apparently out number the illegal travellers on site. People that are apparently onside with all these, unless their neighbour was to start building some monster of a building in their back yard and then they might see what the travellers are doing in a different light.

However I am sure it will all end happily in the end with bits of body strewn across the farm and a military airstrike to end the battle.

In the meantime I think the builder who is erecting a ten floor block of flats in my garden to make me a bit of money wants another cup of tea, so I shall have to depart now.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Misty The Cat: The End.

A Small Mind is today in pieces as he said a fond farewell to Misty after fourteen and a half years.

Now as you all know a small mind is one tough guy, a man. However he has to admit that today he cried, more than he has ever cried before. No humans death, no matter how close, has made him cry more. And I have to wonder why? Why is it that some of us share such a bond with our animals?

I think perhaps that generally they are pretty much always on your side. No matter how much love you get from a human, there is always going to be the bad days. Animals however just give and give, even when some people do such horrific things to them, they always still seem happy. You see these miserable sights of animals having been treated so cruelly and yet they still want attention and fuss.

Humans however very much have moods and there is always a bad day. Animals may well get grumpy, but it never impacts on their love for their owner and that is probably why some people get on better with their pets than their relations.

So the end of an era for a small mind as old Misty moves on and I am left to remember the good days. Farewell puss.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Track And Field Of Nightmares.

Yesterday saw the end of the World Athletics Championships and hopefully the end of Channel 4 involvement. What once was a solid presentation with little irritation from the BBC was supposedly given a hip new face of the future.

This turned out to be a unmitigated disaster with a succession of helpless individuals presenting, commentating and doing whatever.

A small mind was thankful to only have seen the highlights presentation, but he is very thankful even for this. Presented by a man with the presence and vitality of a cardboard cutout Rick Edwards was a horror in vision. Presenting in a monotone to camera with the dregs of so-called witty comments. Channel 4 must have realised their mistake as as the week went on we saw less and less of the failure and interestingly more highlights. It might catch on.

As for the highlights, the sport was good the presentation less so. First we had John Rawling commenting, commenter of all sports, master of none. Rob Walker, once a compere at the snooker and now an expert on athletics who failed to get to the end of any race with his voice still working, and then a succession of those in the know, former sports stars. Dean Macy, Ewan Thomas and Katherine Merry, good on the track and field (well so-so), but a dreary presence in the commentary box. The only fly in the ointment for Channel 4 in having a total disaster was Michael Johnson, an insightful person with interesting things to say and the only true survivor from the BBC presentation. He must have wondered what godforsaken planet he had landed on having to shake Dick, sorry Rick Edwards hand at the end of every highlights show.

So all this without even mentioning the one disaster Channel 4 were happy to admit to, letting Gadget Show presenter Ortis Deley in front of a live camera and an autocue that was apparently unreadable.

What about the sport though you cry, well not bad, a few miserable failures as always for Britain, and not a lot boding well for 2012, but well done to Dai Green, Hannah England, Jessica Ennis, Mo Farah and all the others that Ortis has forgotten...

Here some kind soul has made a video of good old Ortis, poor lad. Get back behind Suzi and Jason dear before its too late...